
On the \(p\)-adic \(L\)-function of a modular form at a supersingular prime. (English) Zbl 1074.11061

In this important paper the author shows what the “arithmetically significant” part of the \(p\)-adic \(L\)-function attached to a modular form \(f\) of weight \(k\) should be in the supersingular case. Actually one has to deal with two functions indexed by + and \(-\). For instance when \(f\) comes from a (modular) elliptic curve \(E\) with \(a_p=0\) (which is, for \(p>3\), tantamount to supersingularity at \(p\)), and \(\alpha\) is a root of \(x^2+p\), then \(L_p(E,\alpha,T) = G^+(T) + G^-(T)\alpha\) where \(G^\pm(T)\) has \(p\)-adic rational coefficients. From the interpolation approach to \(p\)-adic \(L\)-functions it follows that \(G^\pm(T)\) has an infinite series of trivial zeros (in the supersingular case which we assume from now on), and this actually implies that \(L_p(E,\alpha,T)\) has infinitely many zeros as well, even though we don’t see them immediately. (These observations are due to B. Perrin-Riou.) A similar result holds for \(L\)-functions involving twists. The task is to eliminate these predictable zeros.
The paper carefully reviews the construction of \(p\)-adic \(L\)-functions, following Vishik and others, in §2. Then the author proceeds to modify \(G^\pm(T)\) so as to eliminate the trivial zeros. To make this beautiful idea work, he defines two power series (of necessity, with unbounded denominators in their coefficients) \(\log^+_p\) and \(\log^-_p\), the so-called half-logarithms, whose zeros are exactly the trivial zeros of \(G^\pm(T)\). For \(k=2\), these half-logs live in \({\mathbb Q}_p[[T]]\). In general, they involve an extra integral parameter \(j=0,\ldots,k-2\). The definition of the half-logs is quite elegant: one takes the product of all \(p^n\)-th cyclotomic polynomials with \(n\) of a fixed parity, each polynomial divided by \(p\). Recall that these cyclotomic polynomials are Eisenstein in \(T\) with constant coefficient exactly \(p\); so the division by \(p\) changes this into 1, and one sees at least that the constant term of the infinite product makes sense. It is then shown that \(L^\pm_p(f,T)=G^\pm(T)/\log_p^\pm(T)\) has bounded coefficients (we over-simplify notation), and hence only finitely many zeros, by Weierstraßpreparation. This is the main result (§5). It is shown that if \(f\) comes from the elliptic curve \(E\), then \(L^\pm_p(f,T)=L^\pm_p(E,T)\) has no denominators at all. In §6 this is applied in order to determine the growth of the analytical order of the \(p\)-part of the Tate-Shafarevich groups in a cyclotomic tower. (Under the B-SD conjecture, the analytical order is just the order.) This is Proposition 6.10. The long sums of \(p\)-powers correspond to the trivial zeros of the \(L\)-functions and are responsible for the guaranteed doubly exponential growth, and the \(\lambda\) and \(\mu\) terms are the usual Iwasawa invariants of \(L^\pm_p(E,T)\). In the particular case that the quotient \(L(E,1)/\Omega_E\) is a \(p\)-unit, these invariants all vanish and one recaptures (part of) a result of Kurihara. Here, remarkably enough, the growth no longer depends on the curve \(E\)! Actually Kurihara shows more in this situation: he proves the relevant case of B-SD, equating analytic and algebraic order.
The paper under review concludes with some very interesting numerical results obtained with the system MAGMA. They describe nontrivial roots and \(\mu\)-invariants of the \(3\)-adic \(L\)-functions attached to twists of the curve \(X_0(32)\).


11R23 Iwasawa theory
11F67 Special values of automorphic \(L\)-series, periods of automorphic forms, cohomology, modular symbols




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