Lorden, Gary; Pollak, Moshe Nonanticipating estimation applied to sequential analysis and changepoint detection. (English) Zbl 1077.62067 Ann. Stat. 33, No. 3, 1422-1454 (2005). Summary: Suppose a process yields independent observations whose distributions belong to a family parameterized by \(\theta\in \Theta\). When the process is in control, the observations are i.i.d. with a known parameter value \(\theta_0\). When the process is out of control the parameter changes. We apply an idea of H. Robbins and D. Siegmund [Proc. Sixth Berkeley Symp. Math. Stat. Probab. 4, 37–41 (1972)] to construct a class of sequential tests and detection schemes whereby the unkuown post-change parameters are estimated. This approach is especially useful in situations where the parametric space is intricate and mixture-type rules are operationally or conceptually difficult to formulate. We exemplify our approach by applying it to the problem of detecting a change in the shape parameter of a Gamma distribution, in both a univariate and a multivariate setting. Cited in 23 Documents MSC: 62L10 Sequential statistical analysis 62P30 Applications of statistics in engineering and industry; control charts 60K10 Applications of renewal theory (reliability, demand theory, etc.) 62F05 Asymptotic properties of parametric tests 65C05 Monte Carlo methods Keywords:quality control; CUSUM; Shiryayev-Roberts; surveillance; statistical process control; power one tests; renewal theory; nonlinear renewal theory; Gamma distribution × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv References: [1] Dragalin, V. P. (1997). The sequential change point problem. Economic Quality Control 12 95–122. · Zbl 0914.62079 [2] Lai, T. L. and Siegmund, D. (1977). A nonlinear renewal theory with applications to sequential analysis. I. Ann. Statist. 5 946–954. 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