Efremov, E. P.; Ostrik, A. V.; Potapenko, A. I.; Fortov, V. E. Calculation on Gruneisen’s efficient factor for heterogeneous material with multisize hollow spherical filler. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1087.74520 Mat. Model. 14, No. 8, 67-71 (2002). In the last decades great attention was paid to problems of investigation of defence properties of porous materials under action of X-rays or electron streams. Particularly, it turned out that the best perspective for the defence is a heterogeneous material with the filler in a form of a microsphere. Fields of pressure in the heterogeneous material under influence of a pulse radiation are investigated in the article. A method to calculate efficiently Gruneisen’s factor for a heterogeneous material with hollow spherical filler in the presence of the radiation is suggested. It is supposed that the material can be filled with two different sizes of spherical filler. Also technological porosity of the components is taken into consideration. The pressure curve representing a distribution of the pressure in the heterogeneous material with filler in the presence of the radiation is given. Reviewer: Sergei Georgievich Zhuravlev (Moskva) MSC: 74E30 Composite and mixture properties 74A40 Random materials and composite materials Keywords:heterogeneous material; hollow spherical filler; investigation of pressure fields; investigation of defence properties × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: MNR