Liu, Bing; Teng, Zhidong; Chen, Lansun Analysis of a predator-prey model with Holling II functional response concerning impulsive control strategy. (English) Zbl 1089.92060 J. Comput. Appl. Math. 193, No. 1, 347-362 (2006). Summary: According to biological and chemical control strategies for pest control, we investigate the dynamic behavior of a Holling II functional response predator-prey system concerning an impulsive control strategy by periodically releasing natural enemies and spraying pesticide at different fixed times. By using the Floquet theorem and a small amplitude perturbation method, we prove that there exists a stable pest-eradication periodic solution when the impulsive period is less than some critical value. Further, a condition for the permanence of the system is also given. Numerical results show that the system we consider can take on various kinds of periodic fluctuations and several types of attractor coexistence and is dominated by periodic, quasiperiodic and chaotic solutions, which implies that the presence of pulses makes the dynamic behavior more complex. Finally, we conclude that our impulsive control strategy is more effective than the classical one if we take chemical control efficiently. Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 84 Documents MSC: 92D40 Ecology 34C60 Qualitative investigation and simulation of ordinary differential equation models 34D05 Asymptotic properties of solutions to ordinary differential equations 35C05 Solutions to PDEs in closed form 34C25 Periodic solutions to ordinary differential equations Keywords:Holling II predator-prey model; impulsive control strategy; extinction; permanence; bifurcation × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Ager, Z.; Cojocaru, L.; Anderson, R.; Danon, Y., Pulse mass measles vaccination across age cohorts, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90, 11698-11702 (1993) [2] D. Bainov, P. Simeonov, Impulsive differential equations: periodic solutions and applications, Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 66, 1993.; D. Bainov, P. 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