
On parametric limit superior of a sequence of analytic sets. (English) Zbl 1094.03032

Summary: Let \(A_x\) stand for the \(x\)-section of a set \(A\subset 2^\omega\times 2^\omega\). We prove that any sequence \(A^j\subset 2^\omega\times 2^\omega\), \(j\in\omega\), of analytic sets with uncountable \(\limsup_{j\in H}A_x^j\) for all \(x\in 2^\omega\) and \(H\in [\omega]^\omega\) admits a perfect set \(P\subset 2^\omega\) and \(H\in [\omega]^\omega\) with uncountable \(\bigcap_{j\in H}A_x^j\) for all \(x\in P\). This is a parametric version of Komjáth’s theorem [P. Komjáth, Anal. Math. 10, 283–293 (1984; Zbl 0569.03021)].


03E15 Descriptive set theory
54H05 Descriptive set theory (topological aspects of Borel, analytic, projective, etc. sets)
28A05 Classes of sets (Borel fields, \(\sigma\)-rings, etc.), measurable sets, Suslin sets, analytic sets


Zbl 0569.03021
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