Dovgoshey, O.; Martio, O.; Ryazanov, V.; Vuorinen, M. The Cantor function. (English) Zbl 1098.26006 Expo. Math. 24, No. 1, 1-37 (2006). This is an excellent (survey) article focused on the Cantor ternary function. The authors summarize and discuss its various properties in the Chapters: 2. Singularity, measurability and representability by absolutely continuous function; 3. Subadditivity, the points of local convexity; 4. Characterizations by means of functional equations; 5. The Cantor function as a distribution function; 6. Calculations of moments and the length of the graph; 7. Some topological properties; 8. Dini’s derivatives; 9. Lebesgue’s derivatives; 10. Hölder continuity, distortion of Hausdorff dimension, \(s_c\)-densities. Reviewer: Jozef Bobok (Praha) Cited in 64 Documents MSC: 26A30 Singular functions, Cantor functions, functions with other special properties 28A78 Hausdorff and packing measures 28A80 Fractals Keywords:singular functions; Cantor ternary function PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Dovgoshey} et al., Expo. Math. 24, No. 1, 1--37 (2006; Zbl 1098.26006) Full Text: DOI References: [1] П.С. Александров, Вßе \(\operatorname{\partial;} \); П.С. Александров, Вßе \(\operatorname{\partial;} \) [2] N.Bary, Memoire sur la representation finie des fonctions continues, Math. Ann. 103 (1930) 185-248, 598-653.; N.Bary, Memoire sur la representation finie des fonctions continues, Math. Ann. 103 (1930) 185-248, 598-653. · JFM 56.0919.03 [3] Bary, N.; Menchoff, D., Sur l’integrale de Lebesgue-Stieltjes et les fonctions absolumant continues, Ann. Math. Pura Appl., 5, 19-54 (1928) · JFM 54.0272.06 [4] Bedford, T.; Fisher, A. 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