
Star discrepancy estimates for digital \((t,m,2)\)-nets and digital \((t,2)\)-sequences over \(\mathbb Z_2\). (English) Zbl 1102.11036

The authors prove that for the star discrepancy of digital \((t,m,2)\)-nets over \(\mathbb Z_2\) the upper estimate \(2^mD^*_{2^m}(P)\leqq 2^t((m-t)/3+19/9)\) holds. This is a generalization of the result on \((0,m,2)\)-nets of G. Larcher and F. Pillichshammer [Acta Arith. 106, 379–408 (2003; Zbl 1054.11039)]. It is shown that the constant in the estimate is best possible. An upper bound for the star discrepancy of digital \((t,2)\)-sequences over \(\mathbb Z_2\) is given. This is a generalization of the result on \((0,2)\)-sequences of F. Pillichshammer [Acta Arith. 108, 167–189 (2003; Zbl 1054.11040)].


11K06 General theory of distribution modulo \(1\)
11K38 Irregularities of distribution, discrepancy
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