
On a degenerate parabolic system for compressible, immiscible, two-phase flows in porous media. (English) Zbl 1102.35342

A degenerate nonlinear system modelling a three-dimensional displacement of two immiscible, compressible fluids in a porus medium is studied. The main results of the paper are two existence results of degenerate weak solutions. The existence of a classical weak solution is also discussed.


35K65 Degenerate parabolic equations
35K57 Reaction-diffusion equations
35K50 Systems of parabolic equations, boundary value problems (MSC2000)
76N10 Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory for compressible fluids and gas dynamics
76S05 Flows in porous media; filtration; seepage
76T99 Multiphase and multicomponent flows
35D05 Existence of generalized solutions of PDE (MSC2000)