
Area inequalities for embedded disks spanning unknotted curves. (English) Zbl 1104.53006

It is shown that a smooth unknotted curve in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) satisfies an isoperimetric inequality that bounds the area of an embedded disk spanning the curve in terms of two parameters: the length \(L\) of the curve, and the thickness \(r\) (maximal radius of an embedded tubular neighborhood) of the curve. For fixed length, the expression giving the upper bound on the area grows exponentially in \(1/r^2\). In the direction of lower bounds is given a sequence of length one curves with \(r\to 0\) for which the area of any spanning disk is bounded from below by a function that grows exponentially with \(1/r\). In particular, given any constant \(A\), there is a smooth, unknotted length one curve for which the area of a smallest embedded spanning disk is greater than \(A\).


53A10 Minimal surfaces in differential geometry, surfaces with prescribed mean curvature