Huang, Jianhua Z.; Kooperberg, Charles; Stone, Charles J.; Truong, Young K. Functional ANOVA modeling for proportional hazards regression. (English) Zbl 1105.62378 Ann. Stat. 28, No. 4, 961-999 (2000). Summary: The logarithm of the relative risk function in a proportional hazards model involving one or more possibly time-dependent covariates is treated as a specified sum of a constant term, main effects, and selected interaction terms. Maximum partial likelihood estimation is used, where the maximization is taken over a suitably chosen finite-dimensional estimation space, whose dimension increases with the sample size and which is constructed from linear spaces of functions of one covariate and their tensor products. The \(L_2\) rate of convergence for the estimate and its ANOVA components is obtained. An adaptive numerical implementation is discussed, whose performance is compared to (full likelihood) hazard regression both with and without the restriction to proportional hazards. Cited in 20 Documents MSC: 62N02 Estimation in survival analysis and censored data 62J10 Analysis of variance and covariance (ANOVA) 62N05 Reliability and life testing × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF