
Asymptotic properties of doubly adaptive biased coin designs for multitreatment clinical trials. (English) Zbl 1105.62381

Summary: A general doubly adaptive biased coin design is proposed for the allocation of subjects to K treatments in a clinical trial. This design follows the same spirit as Efron’s biased coin design and applies to the cases where the desired allocation proportions are unknown, but estimated sequentially. Strong consistency, a law of the iterated logarithm and asymptotic normality of this design are obtained under some widely satisfied conditions. For two treatments, a new family of designs is proposed and shown to be less variable than both the randomized play-the-winner rule and the adaptive randomized design. Also the proposed design tends toward a randomization scheme (with a fixed target proportion) as the size of the experiment increases.


62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis
62L05 Sequential statistical design


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