
Frequency locking on the boundary of the barycentre set. (English) Zbl 1106.37303

Summary: We consider the doubling map \(T: z\mapsto z^2\) of the circle. For each \(T\)-invariant probability measure \(\mu\) we define its barycentre \(b(\mu)=\int_{S^1}z\, d\mu(z)\), which describes its average weight around the circle. We study the set \(\Omega\) of all such barycentres, a compact convex set with nonempty interior. Its boundary has a countable dense set of points of nondifferentiability, the worst possible regularity for the boundary of a convex set. We explain this behaviour in terms of the frequency locking of rotation numbers for a certain class of invariant measures, each supported on the closure of a Sturmian orbit.


37E10 Dynamical systems involving maps of the circle
11K50 Metric theory of continued fractions
37A05 Dynamical aspects of measure-preserving transformations
37E15 Combinatorial dynamics (types of periodic orbits)


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