
On pseudo-almost valuation domains. (English) Zbl 1113.13001

Summary: Let \(R\) be an integral domain with quotient field \(K\) and integral closure \(R'\). D. D. Anderson and M. Zafrullah [J. Algebra 142, No. 2, 285–309 (1991; Zbl 0749.13013)] called \(R\) an “almost valuation domain” if for every nonzero \(x\in K\), there is a positive integer \(n\) such that either \(x^n \in R\) or \(x^{-n} \in R\). In this article, we introduce a new closely related class of integral domains. We define a prime ideal \(P\) of \(R\) to be a “pseudo-strongly prime ideal” if, whenever \(x, y \in K\) and \(xyP \subseteq P\), then there is a positive integer \(m \geq 1\) such that either \(x^m\in R\) or \(y^m P \subseteq P\). If each prime ideal of \(R\) is a pseudo-strongly prime ideal, then \(R\) is called a “pseudo-almost valuation domain” (PAVD).
We show that the class of valuation domains, the class of pseudo-valuation domains, the class of almost valuation domains, and the class of almost pseudo-valuation domains are properly contained in the class of pseudo-almost valuation domains; also we show that the class of pseudo-almost valuation domains is properly contained in the class of quasilocal domains with linearly ordered prime ideals. Among the properties of PAVDs, we show that an integral domain \(R\) is a PAVD if and only if for every nonzero \(x\in K\), there is a positive integer \(n\geq 1\) such that either \(x^n \in R\) or \(ax^{-n} \in R\) for every nonunit \(a\in R\). We show that pseudo-almost valuation domains are precisely the pullbacks of almost valuation domains, we characterize pseudo-almost valuation domains of the form \(D+M\), and we use this characterization to construct PAVDs that are not almost valuation domains. We show that if \(R\) is a noetherian PAVD, then \(R\) has Krull dimension at most one and \(R'\) is a valuation domain; we show that every overring of a PAVD \(R\) is a PAVD iff \(R'\) is a valuation domain and every integral overring of \(R\) is a PAVD.
For Part II, see [G. W. Chang, Korean J. Math. 19, No. 4, 343–349 (2011; Zbl 1516.13002)].


13A15 Ideals and multiplicative ideal theory in commutative rings
13A10 Radical theory on commutative rings (MSC2000)
13F05 Dedekind, Prüfer, Krull and Mori rings and their generalizations
14G05 Rational points
Full Text: DOI


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