
Compactness for punctured holomorphic curves. (English) Zbl 1113.53053

A proof of the compactness theorem for moduli spaces of punctures holomorphic curves arising in symplectic field theory F. Bourgeois, Y. Eliashberg, H. Hofer, K. Wysocki and E. Zehnder [Geom. Topol. 7, 799–888 (2003; Zbl 1131.53312)] hereafter refered to as [1]) is presented. Roughly speaking, the compactness theorem asserts the existence of a subsequence which converges to a stable broken holomorphic curve of the sequence \(f_k:\Sigma_k\to X\), where \(X\) is a closed symplectic manifold with a tamed almost complex structure, the \(\Sigma_k\)’s are holomorphic curves of the same genus such that the areas \(\int_{\Sigma_k}f^*_k \omega\) are uniformly bounded. The exact statement of the compactness theorem (Theorem 1 and Theorem 2.9) and the meaning of convergence of the sequence \(f_k:\Sigma_k\to X\) are stated in introduction and §2.
The authors say the proof in [1] and the proof in this paper are orthogonal. The proof of the compacness theorem in [1] focuses on the domains, ignoring the level structure in the image (and reconstructing it a posteriori), while the proof in this paper focuses on the level structure in the image, ignoring the domains (and reconstruct them a posteriori). Technically, the proof in [1] is based on repeated bubbling off analysis at points where the gradient explodes, while the proof in this paper follows the strategy of M. Gromov [Invent. Math. 82, 307–347 (1985; Zbl 0592.53025)], hereafter refered to as [2]).
In §2.8–§2.10, changes of action and topology of sub-level sets are analyzed. They reduce the proof to two separate cases: long cylinders of small area and regions with compact image. Uniform convergence of holomorphic cylinders of small area is proved in §4 (Theorem 4.18), by using the fact that the \(M\)-components of long holomorphic cylinders approach closed Reeb orbit (Prop. 4.5. cf. Prop. 5.7 of [1] and H. Hofer, K. Wysocki and E. Zehnder [Ergodic Theory Dyn. Syst. 22, No. 5, 1451–1486 (2002; Zbl 1041.57009)]. The second case requires to generalize Gromov compactness ([2]) to holomorphic curves with free boundary. This is done in §3. The result is stated as Theorem 3.2, which says that a sequence of holomorphic curves \(f_k:\Sigma_k\to X\), \(X\) not necessarily closed, converges to a nodal holomorphic curve provided the boundary circles have disjoint collars whose modulus is uniformly bounded below and the differentials of \(f_k\) on these collars are uniformly bounded below and above and the areas of \(\Sigma_k\) are uniformly bounded and their images are contained in a compact set. After these preparations, the compactness theorem (Theorem 2.9) is proved in §5.
As a useful case of the compactness theorem, it is shown that if the genus is zero and all the \(f_k\) represent a homology class \(A\) which cannot be written as \(A=B+C\), \(\omega(B) \cdot\omega(C)>0\), in \(H_2(X;\mathbb{Z})\), then the limit of the subsequence is a broken holomorphic curve without node (Corollary 2.10). It is remarked that if \(X\) is not closed but already a symplectic cobordism, replacing the uniform area bound condition by a uniform bound condition of the Hofer energy
\[ E(f)=\int_\Sigma f^*\omega+\sup_{\varphi\in S} \int_\sigma f^*\bigl(\varphi'(r) dr\wedge\lambda \bigr), \]
where \(\lambda\) is the associated 1-form of an \(\omega\)-tamed translation invariant almost complex structure on \(\mathbb{R}\times M\), \(M\) a compact odd-dimensional manifold with a stable Hamiltonian structure \(\omega\) (cf. §4.1), everything in this paper remains valid (Remark 2.15). Hence the proof of compactness theorem can be adopted for a general symplectic cobordism ([1], cf. §2.4).


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