
Complete enumeration of two-level orthogonal arrays of strength \(d\) with \(d+2\) constraints. (English) Zbl 1117.62077

Summary: Enumerating nonisomorphic orthogonal arrays is an important, yet very difficult, problem. Although orthogonal arrays with a specified set of parameters have been enumerated in a number of cases, general results are extremely rare. We provide a complete solution to enumerating nonisomorphic two-level orthogonal arrays of strength \(d\) with \(d+2\) constraints for any d and any run size \(n=\lambda2^d\). Our results not only give the number of nonisomorphic orthogonal arrays for given \(d\) and \(n\), but also provide a systematic way of explicitly constructing these arrays. Our approach to the problem is to make use of the recently developed theory of \(J\)-characteristics for fractional factorial designs. Besides the general theoretical results, the paper presents some results from applications of the theory to orthogonal arrays of strength two, three and four.


62K15 Factorial statistical designs
05B15 Orthogonal arrays, Latin squares, Room squares
05A99 Enumerative combinatorics

Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences:

Number of nonisomorphic orthogonal arrays OA(8*n+4,4,2,2).


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