
An estimate of the probability that the queue length exceeds the maximum for a queue that is a generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1118.60076

Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 73, 161-172 (2005); translation in Theory Probab. Math. Stat., Vol 73, 181-194 (2006).
The author investigates the process \(A(t)=mt+\sigma\int_0^tX(u)\,du, t\geq0,\) that describes the queue length, where \(m\) and \(\sigma\) are positive constants, \(X(u)\) is a \(\varphi\)-sub-Gaussian generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process. The class of \(\varphi\)-sub-Gaussian stochastic processes \(\text{Sub}_{\varphi}(\Omega)\) and the class of strictly \(\varphi\)-sub-Gaussian stochastic processes \(\text{SSub}_{\varphi}(\Omega)\) were introduced and investigated by V. V. Buldygin and Yu. V. Kozachenko [see, for example, “Metric characteristics of random variables and processes” (1998; Zbl 0933.60031)].
In this paper the author proposes an estimate of the probability that the queue length exceeds the given level
\[ p\left\{ \sup_{t\geq0}(A(T)-ct)>x\right\}\leq L(\gamma)x^{r/(r-1)}\exp \left\{-\kappa(\gamma) x^{r/2(r-1)} \right\}, \]
where \(c>m\) is the service intensity, \(x>0\) is the maximum queue length, and \(L(\gamma)\) and \(\kappa(\gamma)\) are some constants. For more results related to the problem see the articles by Y. Kozachenko, O. Vasylyk and the author [Theory Stoch. Process. 9(25), No. 3–4, 70–80 (2003; Zbl 1064.60064)], and the author [Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2004, No. 3, 82–86 (2004; Zbl 1064.60071)].


60K25 Queueing theory (aspects of probability theory)
60G07 General theory of stochastic processes
60K30 Applications of queueing theory (congestion, allocation, storage, traffic, etc.)
90B22 Queues and service in operations research
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