
The sliding interface crack with friction between elastic and rigid bodies. (English) Zbl 1120.74744

Summary: The paper analyzes the frictional sliding crack at the interface between a semi-infinite elastic body and a rigid one. It gives solutions in complex form for non-homogeneous loading at infinity and explicit solutions for polynomial loading at the interface. It is found that the singularities at the crack tips are different and that they are related to distinct kinematics at the crack tips. Firstly, we postulate that the geometry of the equilibrium crack with crack-tip positions \(b\) and \(a\) is determined by the conditions of square integrable stresses and continuous displacement at both crack tips. The crack geometry solution is not unique and is defined by any compatible pair (b,a) belonging to a quasi-elliptical curve. Then we prove that, for an equilibrium crack under given applied load, the “energy release rate” \(G_{ \text{tip}}\), defined at each crack tip by the \(J_{\epsilon }\)-integral along a semi-circular path, centered at the crack tip, with vanishing radius \(\epsilon \), vanishes. For arbitrarily shaped paths embracing the whole crack, with end points on the unbroken zone, the \(J\)-integral is path-independent and has the significance of the rate, with respect to the crack length, of energy dissipated by friction on the crack.


74R10 Brittle fracture
74M10 Friction in solid mechanics
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