
Size, power and false discovery rates. (English) Zbl 1123.62008

Summary: Modern scientific technology has provided a new class of large-scale simultaneous inference problems, with thousands of hypothesis tests to consider at the same time. Microarrays epitomize this type of technology, but similar situations arise in proteomics, spectroscopy, imaging, and social science surveys. This paper uses false discovery rate methods to carry out both size and power calculations on large-scale problems. A simple empirical Bayes approach allows the false discovery rate (fdr) analysis to proceed with a minimum of frequentist or Bayesian modeling assumptions. Closed-form accuracy formulas are derived for estimated false discovery rates, and used to compare different methodologies: local or tail-area fdr’s, theoretical, permutation, or empirical null hypothesis estimates. Two microarray data sets as well as simulations are used to evaluate the methodology, the power diagnostics showing why nonnull cases might easily fail to appear on a list of “significant” discoveries.


62C12 Empirical decision procedures; empirical Bayes procedures
62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis


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