
Representations of a \(p\)-elementary form by a genus. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1130.11313

J. Math. Sci., New York 118, No. 1, 4895-4903 (2003); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 276, 276-290 (2001).
Summary: We study the branching of representations of a \(p\)-elementary quadratic form by a genus of positive definite locally \(p\)-two-dimensional forms. A primitive representation of a \(p\)-elementary form is decomposed into a direct sum of minimal indecomposable representations; the latter representations are found in an explicit form. For the case of branching, we find local multipliers of the weight of representations of a form by a genus. As an application, we calculate the number of embeddings into the classical root lattices. The method of orthogonal complement is applied in constructing new genera of quadratic forms.


11E25 Sums of squares and representations by other particular quadratic forms
11E08 Quadratic forms over local rings and fields
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