
Modelling ballast behaviour under dynamic loading. I: A 2D polygonal discrete element method approach. (English) Zbl 1130.74057

Summary: Discrete element simulation provides some insight into the alteration of railway ballast after repeated train passings. Part 1 is devoted to a 2D model of the granular layer interposed between the deformable ground and the rail sleeper, to which a large number of loading cycles is applied. Ballast grains are modelled as indeformable polygonal solids. We give detailed account of the application of non-smooth contact dynamics to this frictional dynamical problem. Validation is obtained through comparison with physical experiments performed on assemblies of prismatic mineral grains. We present numerical results on the settlement of a track submitted to 20,000 loading cycles or more.


74S30 Other numerical methods in solid mechanics (MSC2010)
74M15 Contact in solid mechanics
74E20 Granularity




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