
On Steiner loops and power associativity. (English) Zbl 1131.20052

The author investigates Steiner loops that were introduced by N. S. Mendelsohn [Aequationes Math. 6, 228-230 (1971; Zbl 0244.20087)]. The author also provides six equivalent identities to characterize them by the Theorem: A groupoid \(G(\cdot)\) is a generalized Steiner loop if and only if \(G\) satisfies any one of the following identities: \(a\cdot[((bb)\cdot c)\cdot a]=c\); \([a\cdot c(bb)]\cdot a=c\); \(a\cdot (ca\cdot bb)=c\); \((a\cdot ca)\cdot bb=c\); \(bb\cdot(a\cdot ca)=c\); \((bb\cdot a)\cdot(ca\cdot dd)=c\), for \(a,b,c,d\) in \(G\). The author proves the power associativity of Bol loops by using closure conditions. It is well known that left (right) Bol loops are power associative.


20N05 Loops, quasigroups


Zbl 0244.20087