
Small Valdivia compact spaces. (English) Zbl 1138.54024

It is shown that the class of Valdivia compact spaces is closed under limits of inverse systems \(\{X_\alpha, r_\alpha^\beta\}_{\alpha,\beta\in\kappa}\) such that \(X_0\) is Valdivia compact and all \(r_\alpha^{\alpha+1}\) are simple retractions. That result especially applies to metric compact spaces \(X_\alpha\) and retractions \(r_\alpha^{\alpha+1}\).
As a corollary, a compact space \(X\) with \(w(X)\leq\omega_1\) is Valdivia iff it is a limit of an inverse system of metric spaces with retractions as bonding maps. Another consequence gives a preservation of Valdivia compacts by retractions onto spaces with \(w(X)\leq\omega_1\) or by open surjections onto zero-dimensional spaces with \(w(X)\leq\omega_1\).
Using functorial properties of the construction of certain inverse systems, the authors prove that the class of Valdivia compacts is stable under continuous weight preserving covariant functors in compact spaces.


54D30 Compactness
54B35 Spectra in general topology
54B30 Categorical methods in general topology
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