
Scaling procedures. Issues and applications. (English) Zbl 1140.91066

Thousand Oaks: Sage (ISBN 0-7619-2027-7/pbk). xiv, 206 p. (2003).
Publisher’s description: Effective measurement is a cornerstone of scientific research. Yet many social science researchers lack the tools to develop appropriate assessment instruments for the measurement of latent social-psychological constructs.
Scaling Procedures: Issues and Applications examines the issues involved in developing and validating multi-item self-report scales of latent constructs. Distinguished researchers and award-winning educators Richard G. Netemeyer, William O. Bearden, and Subhash Sharma present a four-step approach for multi-indicator scale development. With these steps, the authors include relevant empirical examples and a review of the concepts of dimensionality, reliability, and validity.
Interdisciplinary in application, this reader-friendly handbook includes: A discussion of measurement in the social sciences and the importance of theory in scale development; * Techniques for assessing dimensionality of constructs; * An overview of reliability and validity models, theory, and criteria; Suggestions for generating and judging measurement items; * Recommended procedures for designing and conducting studies to develop the scale; * Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) for finalizing the scale.
Scaling Procedures: Issues and Applications supplies cutting-edge strategies for developing and refining measures. Providing concise chapter introductions and summaries, as well as numerous tables, figures, and exhibits, the authors present recommended steps and overlapping activities in a logical, sequential progression.
Designed for graduate students in measurement/psychometrics, structural equation modeling, and survey research seminars across the social science disciplines, Scaling Procedures: Issues and Applications also addresses the needs of researchers and academics in all business, psychology, and sociology-related disciplines.


91C99 Social and behavioral sciences: general topics
91E99 Mathematical psychology
62P15 Applications of statistics to psychology