
Generalized semicommutative rings and their extensions. (English) Zbl 1144.16025

Summary: For an endomorphism \(\alpha\) of a ring \(R\), the endomorphism \(\alpha\) is called ‘semicommutative’ if \(ab=0\) implies \(aR\alpha(b)=0\) for \(a\in R\). A ring \(R\) is called ‘\(\alpha\)-semicommutative’ if there exists a semicommutative endomorphism \(\alpha\) of \(R\). In this paper, various results of semicommutative rings are extended to \(\alpha\)-semicommutative rings. In addition, we introduce the notion of an ‘\(\alpha\)-skew power series Armendariz ring’ which is an extension of Armendariz property in a ring \(R\) by considering the polynomials in the skew power series ring \(R[\![x;\alpha]\!]\). We show that a number of interesting properties of a ring \(R\) transfer to its the skew power series ring \(R[\![x;\alpha]\!]\) and vice-versa such as the Baer property and the p.p.-property, when \(R\) is \(\alpha\)-skew power series Armendariz. Several known results relating to \(\alpha\)-rigid rings can be obtained as corollaries of our results.


16U80 Generalizations of commutativity (associative rings and algebras)
16W20 Automorphisms and endomorphisms
16W60 Valuations, completions, formal power series and related constructions (associative rings and algebras)
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