Kosygina, Elena; Varadhan, S. R. S. Homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with respect to time-space shifts in a stationary ergodic medium. (English) Zbl 1144.35008 Commun. Pure Appl. Math. 61, No. 6, 816-847 (2008). Summary: We consider a family \(\{u_\varepsilon(t, x,\omega)\}\), \(\varepsilon> 0\), of solutions to the equation \[ \partial u_\varepsilon/\partial t+\varepsilon\Delta u_\varepsilon/2+ H(t/\varepsilon, x/\varepsilon,\nabla u_\varepsilon, \omega)= 0 \] with the terminal data \(u_\varepsilon(T,x,\omega)= U(x)\). Assuming that the dependence of the Hamiltonian \(H(t,x,p,\omega)\) on time and space is realized through shifts in a stationary ergodic random medium, and that \(H\) is convex in \(p\) and satisfies certain growth and regularity conditions, we show the almost sure locally uniform convergence, in time and space, of \(u_\varepsilon(t,x,\omega)\) as \(\varepsilon\to 0\) to the solution \(u(t, x)\) of a deterministic averaged equation \(\partial u/\partial t+ \overline H(\nabla u)= 0\), \(u(T,x)= U(x)\). The “effective” Hamiltonian \(H\) is given by a variational formula. Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 36 Documents MSC: 35B27 Homogenization in context of PDEs; PDEs in media with periodic structure 60H15 Stochastic partial differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis) 35R60 PDEs with randomness, stochastic partial differential equations Keywords:shifts in a stationary ergodic random medium; deterministic averaged equation × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Alvarez, Arch Ration Mech Anal 170 pp 17– (2003) [2] Arisawa, Adv Math Sci Appl 11 pp 465– (2001) [3] ; Homogenisation: averaging processes in periodic media. Mathematical problems in the mechanics of composite materials. Mathematics and Its Applications (Soviet Series), 36. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989. [4] ; ; Asymptotic analysis for periodic structures. Studies in Mathematics and Its Applications, 5. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978. [5] ; Homogenization of multiple integrals. Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications, 12. Clarendon, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998. · Zbl 0911.49010 [6] Buckdahn, Appl Math Optim 51 pp 1– (2005) [7] Caffarelli, Comm Pure Appl Math 58 pp 319– (2005) [8] Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Indiana Univ Math J 50 pp 1113– (2001) [9] ; An introduction to homogenization. Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications, 17. Clarendon, Oxford University Press, New York, 1999. · Zbl 0939.35001 [10] Evans, Comm Pure Appl Math 57 pp 445– (2004) [11] ; Controlled Markov processes and viscosity solutions. Applications of Mathematics, 25. Springer, New York, 1993. · Zbl 0773.60070 [12] Homogenization of the Cauchy problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Stochastic analysis, control, optimization and applications, 305–324. Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. Birkhäuser, Boston, 1999. · Zbl 0918.49024 · doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-1784-8_18 [13] ; ; Homogenization of differential operators and integral functionals. Springer, Berlin, 1994. · doi:10.1007/978-3-642-84659-5 [14] Kosygina, Comm Pure Appl Math 59 pp 1489– (2006) [15] Landim, Probab Theory Related Fields 112 pp 203– (1998) [16] Lions, Comm Pure Appl Math 56 pp 1501– (2003) [17] Lions, Ann Inst H Poincaré Anal Non Linéaire 22 pp 667– (2005) [18] Lions, Comm Partial Differential Equations 30 pp 335– (2005) [19] ; Homogenization of partial differential equations. Progress in Mathematical Physics, 46. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2006. [20] Sion, Pacific J Math 8 pp 171– (1958) · Zbl 0081.11502 · doi:10.2140/pjm.1958.8.171 [21] Brownian motion, obstacles and random media. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, 1998. · Zbl 0973.60003 · doi:10.1007/978-3-662-11281-6 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.