Mashayekhy, B.; Ghane, H.; Hamed, Z.; Mirebrahimi, H. Topological homotopy groups. (English) Zbl 1155.55004 Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 15, No. 3, 455-464 (2008). Starting point is the paper by J. Dugundji [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 36, 141–143 (1950; Zbl 0037.10202)], who put a topology on \(\pi_1\) and obtained new results related to covering spaces. This has been recently revitalized by several authors, e.g. D. K. Bliss [Topology Appl. 124, No. 3, 355–371 (2002; Zbl 1016.57002)] and P. Fabel [Topol. Proc. 30, No. 1, 187–195 (2006; Zbl 1125.55007)]. If \(\text{Hom}((S^1,1),(X,x))\) denotes the space of pairs of maps with the compact-open topology, then the topological fundamental group \(\pi^{\text{top}}_1\) is the set \(\pi_1\) equipped with the quotient topology. The authors transfer this construction to higher homotopy groups, i.e. \(\pi^{\text{top}}_n\) is \(\pi_n\) with the quotient topology from the space of maps \(((I^n,\partial I^n),(X,x))\) with the compact-open topology. First they show that \(\pi^{\text{top}}_n\) is a topological group for \(n\geq 1\). Then they examine properties of \(\pi^{\text{top}}_n\), like independency of the base point and behaviour with respect to the product of spaces. Furthermore, they study conditions for \(\pi^{\text{top}}_n\) to be discrete. This happens if \(X\) is an \(n\)-connected metric space independently of the base point. Reviewer: Ivan Ivanšić (Zagreb) Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 9 Documents MSC: 55Q05 Homotopy groups, general; sets of homotopy classes 55U40 Topological categories, foundations of homotopy theory 54H11 Topological groups (topological aspects) 55Q70 Homotopy groups of special types Keywords:Topological homotopy groups; topological groups; homotopy groups; semi locally simply connected Citations:Zbl 0037.10202; Zbl 1016.57002; Zbl 1125.55007 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: arXiv Euclid