
The Benford-Newcomb distribution and unambiguous context-free languages. (English) Zbl 1156.68035

Summary: For a string \(w\in\{0,1,2,\dots, d-1\}^*\), let \(\text{val}_d(w)\) denote the integer whose base \(d\) representation is the string \(w\) and let \(\text{MSD}_d(x)\) denote the most significant or the leading digit of a positive integer \(x\) when \(x\) is written as a base \(d\) integer. M. Hirvensalo and J. Karhumäki [“Computing partial information out of intractable one – the first digit of \(2^n\) at base \(3\) as an example”, Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2420, 319–327 (2002; Zbl 1023.11062)] studied the problem of computing the leading digit in the ternary representation of \(2^x\) and showed that this problem has a polynomial time algorithm. Some applications were presented for the problem of computing the leading digit of \(A^B\) for given inputs \(A\) and \(B\). In this paper, we study this problem from a formal language point of view. Formally, we consider the language \(L_{b,d,j} = \{w\mid w \in \{0,1,2,\dots, d-1\}^*\), \(1\leq j\leq 9\), \(\text{MSD}_b(d^{\text{val}_b(w)})) = j\}\) (and some related classes of languages) and address the question of whether this and some related languages are context-free. Standard pumping lemma proofs seem to be very difficult for these languages. We present a unified and simple combinatorial technique that shows that these languages are not unambiguous context-free languages. The Benford-Newcomb distribution plays a central role in our proofs.


68Q45 Formal languages and automata


Zbl 1023.11062
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