
Invariants of knot diagrams. (English) Zbl 1161.57002

The authors define a new family of knot diagram invariants of order one. These invariants are derived from invariants of two component links. Note that an invariant on knot diagrams is said to be of order one, if whenever we simultaneously perform two Reidemeister moves on a diagram, in two disjoint discs \(A, B \subset S^2\), then the change in the invariant due to the move in \(A\) is not affected by whether we first perform the move in \(B\). As an application, the authors determine the minimal number of Reidemeister moves between two specific diagrams of the unknot with \(2n+1\) crossings. The minimal number is \(2n+2\).


57M25 Knots and links in the \(3\)-sphere (MSC2010)


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