
On stochastic stability of Markov dynamical systems. (English) Zbl 1164.37333

The authors deal with the dynamical system in the form of quasilinear differential equation \({dx\over dt}=A(y(t))x+f(x,y(t))\), where \(A(y)\) is continuous bounded marix-valued function and \(y(t)\) is stochastically continuous Feller Markov process; \(f(x,y)\) is continuous function with uniformly bounded \(x\)-derivative, satisfying condition \(f(0,y)=0\). The authors prove that for linear Markov dynamical systems equilibrium asymptotical stability with probability one is equivalent to exponential decreasing of \(p\)-moment with sufficiently small \(p\). Validity of equilibrium stability analysis of Markov dynamical systems applying a linear approximation of vector field is discussed. Semigroup approach for mean square stability analysis of linear Markov dynamical systems is studied.


37H10 Generation, random and stochastic difference and differential equations
34D20 Stability of solutions to ordinary differential equations
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