Błażewicz, Jacek; Ecker, Klaus H.; Pesch, Erwin; Schmidt, Günter; Węglarz, Jan Handbook on scheduling. From theory to applications. (English) Zbl 1165.90009 International Handbooks on Information Systems. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-28046-0/hbk). xii, 647 p. (2007). This book is an enlarged and updated version of J. Blazewicz et al. [Scheduling computer and manufacturing processes. (Berlin): Springer. (2001; Zbl 0911.90201)]. It deals with different aspects of scheduling problems where tasks using scarce resources (e.g. processors or machines) have to be processed over time such that a certain objective function is optimized. After an introduction to basic concepts (complexity of problems, graphs, exact and heuristic algorithms) different deterministic scheduling models are introduced. In the following chapters specific problems and applications are studied: problems with a single processor, parallel processors, communication delays, multiprocessor tasks, real-time systems, flow-shop, open-shop and job-shop problems, scheduling with limited processor availability, scheduling under resource constraints, constraint programming for disjunctive scheduling problems, scheduling in flexible manufacturing systems, computer integrated production scheduling. In the whole book besides exact algorithms for special cases especially models and methods for practical situations are discussed and illustrated with case studies from industry and service operations management. Reviewer: Sigrid Knust (Osnabrück) Cited in 69 Documents MSC: 90B35 Deterministic scheduling theory in operations research 90-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming 68M20 Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems 90B30 Production models 90C59 Approximation methods and heuristics in mathematical programming Keywords:scheduling; processors; heuristics; exact algorithms; flexible manufacturing; applications Citations:Zbl 0911.90201 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI