
On the permanent radical in topological algebras. (Sur le radical permanent dans les algèbres topologiques.) (French. English summary) Zbl 1166.46310

Summary: Let \(A\) be a topological algebra. W.Żelazko [Stud.Math.75, No.3, 265–272 (1983; Zbl 0529.46040)] asked whether the permanent radical of \(A\) in the class of all topological algebras is equal to the ideal \(I_s (A)\) consisting of all elements of \(A\) possessing small powers. Our aim in this paper is to show that this is always true.


46H05 General theory of topological algebras


Zbl 0529.46040


[1] W. ŻELAZKO, On permanent radical in commutative locally convex algebras, Studia Math., 75 (1983), pp. 265-272. Zbl0529.46040 MR722251 · Zbl 0529.46040
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