Rao, N. Raj; Mingo, James A.; Speicher, Roland; Edelman, Alan Statistical eigen-inference from large Wishart matrices. (English) Zbl 1168.62056 Ann. Stat. 36, No. 6, 2850-2885 (2008). Summary: We consider settings where the observations are drawn from a zero-mean multivariate (real or complex) normal distribution with the population covariance matrix having eigenvalues of arbitrary multiplicity. We assume that the eigenvectors of the population covariance matrix are unknown and focus on inferential procedures that are based on the sample eigenvalues alone (i.e., “eigen-inference”). Results found in the literature establish the asymptotic normality of the fluctuations in the trace of the powers of the sample covariance matrix. We develop concrete algorithms for analytically computing the limiting quantities and the covariance of the fluctuations. We exploit the asymptotic normality of the trace of the powers of the sample covariance matrix to develop eigenvalue-based procedures for testing and estimation. Specifically, we formulate a simple test of hypotheses for the population eigenvalues and a technique for estimating the population eigenvalues in settings where the cumulative distribution function of the (nonrandom) population eigenvalues has a staircase structure. Monte Carlo simulations are used to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methodologies over classical techniques and the robustness of the proposed techniques in high-dimensional, (relatively) small sample size settings. The improved performance results from the fact that the proposed inference procedures are “global” (in a sense that we describe) and exploit “global” information thereby overcoming the inherent biases that cripple classical inference procedures which are “local” and rely on “local” information. Cited in 24 Documents MSC: 62H15 Hypothesis testing in multivariate analysis 62E20 Asymptotic distribution theory in statistics 65C60 Computational problems in statistics (MSC2010) 15B52 Random matrices (algebraic aspects) Keywords:sample covariance matrices; random matrix theory; second order freeness; free probability; linear statistics; tables Software:MOPS × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv References: [1] Anderson, G. W. and Zeitouni, O. (2006). A CLT for a band matrix model. Probab. Theory Related Fields 134 283-338. · Zbl 1084.60014 · doi:10.1007/s00440-004-0422-3 [2] Anderson, T. W. (1963). Asymptotic theory of principal component analysis. Ann. Math. Statist. 34 122-248. · Zbl 0202.49504 · doi:10.1214/aoms/1177704248 [3] Bai, Z. D. and Silverstein, J. W. (1998). No eigenvalues outside the support of the limiting spectral distribution of large-dimensional sample covariance matrices. Ann. 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