
CEDRICS: when CEDRAM meets Tralics. (English) Zbl 1170.68484

Sojka, Petr (ed.), DML 2008. Towards digital mathematics library, Birmingham, UK, July 27th, 2008. Proceedings. Brno: Masaryk University (ISBN 978-80-210-4658-0/pbk). 153-165 (2008).
Summary: We describe CEDRICS, a general purpose system for automated journal production entirely based on a LaTeX input format. We show how the very basic ideas that initiated the whole effort turned into an efficient system because of the ability of LaTeX markup to parametrise simultaneously and without compromise high typographical quality for the PDF output as well as accurate XML metadata with (presentation) MathML formulas. This was made possible by the availability of two entirely independent LaTeX source processors with specific focus but full TEX-macro language support: PdfLaTeX by Hàn \({\text{Th}}\acute{\hat{{\text{e}}}}\) Thành, and Tralics by José Grimm.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1158.00018].


68P99 Theory of data