Wegner, Bernd RusDML 2008. Current facilities of the core archive of digitized Russian publications in mathematics. (English) Zbl 1170.68495 Sojka, Petr (ed.), DML 2008. Towards digital mathematics library, Birmingham, UK, July 27th, 2008. Proceedings. Brno: Masaryk University (ISBN 978-80-210-4658-0/pbk). 83-86 (2008). Summary: The purpose of this extended abstract is to summarize the report on the final achievements of the RusDML project, where this acronym stands for Russian Digital Mathematical Library. The initial phases of the project have been described in G. A. Evstigneeva and B. Wegner [O proekte sozdanija elektronnogo archiva russkich publikatsii po matematiki. Proceedings of LIBCOM (Sixth International Conference and Exhibition “Information Technologies, Computer Systems and Publications for Libraries”, Yershovo Health Complex, Russia, November 11–15 (2002)] and G. A. Evstigneeva and A. Zemskov [Bai, Fengshan (ed.) et al., Electronic information and communication in mathematics. ICM 2002 international satellite conference, Beijing, China, August 29–31, 2002. Revised papers. Berlin: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2730, 44–51 (2003; Zbl 1038.00011)]. Several main features have been installed meanwhile: a professional structure for the digitization process, collaborative structures for caring about the preparation of the bilingual metadata, an international cooperation for caring about the input. A system of mirrors of the archive with convenient access facilities will be available soon after the digitization of all journals, for which digitization licences are available, will have been finished in July 2007. Some tools developed for the project are playing a pioneering role. Third parties use them already.For the entire collection see [Zbl 1158.00018]. MSC: 68P99 Theory of data Keywords:retrospective digitization; Russian mathematics; bilingual access Citations:Zbl 1038.00011 Software:RusDML × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML