
On \(2k\) -minimal submanifolds. (English) Zbl 1172.53035

A submanifold of a Riemannian manifold is called \(2k\)-minimal if it is a critical point of the total \(2k\)-th Gauss-Bonnet curvature functional. This notion includes the classical minimal submanifolds as well as Reilli’s \(r\)-minimal hypersurfaces in the Euclidean space.
In this paper, the author computes the first variation formula for the total \(2k\)-th Gauss-Bonnet curvature and characterizes \(2k\)-minimal submanifolds by the vanishing of the \((2k+1)\)-mean curvature. This result has been obtained previously in [A. M. Li, Acta Math. Sin. 28, 154–160 (1985; Zbl 0591.58008)] by using a different technique. Then, he proves that several properties of usual minimal submanifolds can be naturally generalized to \(2k\)-minimal submanifolds. He obtains, that complex submanifolds of a Kahlerian manifold are \(2k\)-minimal, for all \(k\), and that compact, irreducible isotropy homogeneous spaces always admit \(2k\)-minimal immersions in a sphere.
He also considers a natural extension of the Laplace operator that naturally appears in this context. Roughly speaking, it is obtained by “contracting” the Hessian by the \(2k\)-th Einstein-Lovelock tensor. The author proves some interesting properties concerning these operators. For instance, it is shown that for a compact manifold these generalized Laplacians are self adjoint and with zero integral. Also, if the manifold has positive (respectively, negative) definite \(2k\)-Einstein-Lovelock tensor, then the generalized Laplacian is elliptic and positive (respectively, negative) definite. Consequently, a maximum principle for these operators is obtained.
Finally, he studies \(2k\)-minimal immersions in the Euclidean space and spheres. For example, it is shown that an isometric immersion in \(\mathbb{R}^m\) is \(2k\)-minimal, if and only if, the coordinate functions of the immersion are harmonic for the generalized Laplacians. In particular, there are no non trivial compact \(2k\)-minimal submanifolds in the Euclidean space with positive definite (or negative definite) \(2k\)-th Einstein-Lovelock tensor.


53C40 Global submanifolds
53C42 Differential geometry of immersions (minimal, prescribed curvature, tight, etc.)


Zbl 0591.58008