Sfantos, G. K.; Aliabadi, M. H. Multi-scale boundary element modelling of material degradation and fracture. (English) Zbl 1173.74459 Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 196, No. 7, 1310-1329 (2007). Summary: A multi-scale boundary element method for modelling damage is proposed. The constitutive behaviour of a polycrystalline macro-continuum is described by micromechanics simulations using averaging theorems. An integral non-local approach is employed to avoid the pathological localization of micro-damage at the macro-scale. At the micro-scale, multiple intergranular crack initiation and propagation under mixed mode failure conditions is considered. Moreover, a non-linear frictional contact analysis is employed for modelling the cohesive-frictional grain boundary interfaces. Both micro- and macro-scales are being modelled with the boundary element method. Additionally, a scheme for coupling the micro-BEM with a macro-FEM is also proposed. To demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method, the mesh independency is investigated and comparisons with two macro-FEM models are made to validate the different modelling approaches. Finally, microstructural variability of the macro-continuum is considered to investigate possible applications to heterogeneous materials. Cited in 33 Documents MSC: 74S15 Boundary element methods applied to problems in solid mechanics 74R99 Fracture and damage 74S05 Finite element methods applied to problems in solid mechanics Keywords:multi-scale modelling; damage; non-local approach; polycrystalline; microfracture; finite element method × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Gagg, C. R., Failure of components and products by ‘engineered-in’ defects: case studies, Engrg. Fail. Anal., 12, 1000-1026 (2005) [2] Scutti, J. J.; McBrine, W. J., Failure Analysis and Prevention, (Becker, W. T.; Shipley, R. J., ASM Handbook, vol. 11 (2002), ASM: ASM USA) [3] Kachanov, L. 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