Álvarez-Nodarse, R.; Atakishiyev, N. M.; Costas-Santos, R. S. Factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equation on the uniform lattice. (English) Zbl 1176.33008 ETNA, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 27, 34-50 (2007). Summary: We discuss factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equations on the uniform lattices and show how one can construct a dynamical algebra, which corresponds to each of these equations. Some examples are exhibited, in particular, we show that several models of discrete harmonic oscillators, previously considered in a number of publications, can be treated in a unified form. Cited in 4 Documents MSC: 33C45 Orthogonal polynomials and functions of hypergeometric type (Jacobi, Laguerre, Hermite, Askey scheme, etc.) 33C90 Applications of hypergeometric functions 39A13 Difference equations, scaling (\(q\)-differences) Keywords:discrete polynomials; factorization method; discrete oscillators PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Álvarez-Nodarse} et al., ETNA, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 27, 34--50 (2007; Zbl 1176.33008) Full Text: arXiv EuDML EMIS