
5000 years of geometry. History, cultures, people. 3rd ed. (5000 Jahre Geometrie. Geschichte, Kulturen, Menschen.) (German) Zbl 1177.01004

Vom Zählstein zum Computer. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-02361-3/hbk; 978-3-642-02362-0/ebook). xiii, 631 p. (2010).
The third edition of the voluminous book on “5000 years of geometry, history, cultures, people” (written in German) differs from the second (see Zbl 1064.01004 [ME 2006e.02681]; and Zbl 0979.01001 [ME 2000f.03824] for the first edition) by the addition of some new results on circular earthwork in Sachsen Anhalt (ca.4800 B.C.) and the Nebra Sky Disk (ca.1800 B.C.) as well as by a short remark on medieval visualisation of abstract entities. Finally, new colored figures are added.


01A05 General histories, source books
51-03 History of geometry
01-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to history and biography
97-03 History of mathematics education
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