Graillat, Stef; Langlois, Philippe; Louvet, Nicolas Algorithms for accurate, validated and fast polynomial evaluation. (English) Zbl 1184.65029 Japan J. Ind. Appl. Math. 26, No. 2-3, 191-214 (2009). Summary: We survey a class of algorithms to evaluate polynomials with floating point coefficients and for computation performed with IEEE-754 floating point arithmetic. The principle is to apply, once or recursively, an error-free transformation of the polynomial evaluation with the Horner algorithm and to accurately sum the final decomposition. These compensated algorithms are as accurate as the Horner algorithm performed in \(K\) times the working precision, for \(K\) an arbitrary positive integer. We prove this accuracy property with an a priori error analysis. We also provide validated dynamic bounds and apply these results to compute a faithfully rounded evaluation. These compensated algorithms are fast. We illustrate their practical efficiency with numerical experiments on significant environments. Comparing to existing alternatives these \(K\)-times compensated algorithms are competitive for \(K\) up to 4, i.e., up to 212 mantissa bits. Cited in 15 Documents MSC: 65D20 Computation of special functions and constants, construction of tables 26A09 Elementary functions 26C05 Real polynomials: analytic properties, etc. 12Y05 Computational aspects of field theory and polynomials (MSC2010) Keywords:polynomial evaluation; compensated algorithm; floating-point arithmetic; IEEE-754; error-free transformation; Horner algorithm; numerical experiments Software:LBNL; mctoolbox; XBLAS × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Euclid References: [1] High-Precision Software Directory.\(\sim\)dhbailey/mpdist. [2] T.J. Dekker, A floating-point technique for extending the available precision. Numer. Math.,18 (1971), 224–242. · Zbl 0226.65034 · doi:10.1007/BF01397083 [3] J.W. 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