
A celebration of the mathematical legacy of Raoul Bott. Based on the conference, CRM, Montreal, Canada, June 9–13, 2008. (English) Zbl 1186.00040

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Indexed articles:
Bott, Candace, My parents’ Montreal years and growing up with Raoul as my father, 9-11 [Zbl 1195.01024]
Lambek, Joachim, Raoul Bott, McGill, the 1940s, 13-15 [Zbl 1195.01069]
Kotiuga, P. Robert, Iron rings, doctor honoris causa Raoul Bott, Carl Herz, and a hidden hand, 17-32 [Zbl 1195.01028]
Hubbard, John H., The Bott-Duffin synthesis of electrical circuits, 33-40 [Zbl 1201.94146]
Lax, Peter D.; Hirzebruch, Friedrich; Mazur, Barry; Conlon, Lawrence; Curtis, Edward B.; Edwards, Harold M.; Huebschmann, Johannes; Shulman, Herbert, Raoul Bott as we knew him, 43-49 [Zbl 1195.01029]
Atiyah, Michael, Working with Raoul Bott: from geometry to physics, 51-61 [Zbl 1195.01022]
Edwards, Harold M., The algorithmic side of Riemann’s mathematics, 63-68 [Zbl 1195.01014]
Hirsch, Morris W., Actions of Lie groups and Lie algebras on manifolds, 69-78 [Zbl 1202.57029]
Kohn, Joseph J., PDE from the point of view of multiplier ideals, 79-96 [Zbl 1272.32041]
Baum, Paul, Dirac operator and \(K\)-theory for discrete groups, 97-107 [Zbl 1201.19001]
Heitsch, James L., The Lefschetz principle, fixed point theory, and index theory, 109-123 [Zbl 1205.58016]
Cantwell, John; Conlon, Lawrence, A new look at the theory of levels, 125-137 [Zbl 1200.57022]
Haefliger, André, On the space of morphisms between étale groupoids, 139-150 [Zbl 1198.22001]
Bernhard, James A.; Hingston, Nancy; Stasheff, Jim; Guillemin, Victor, Raoul Bott, as we knew him, 153-159 [Zbl 1195.01023]
Hingston, Nancy, Loop products on connected sums of projective spaces, 161-175 [Zbl 1207.55005]
Bernhard, James A., Equivariant cohomology and reflections, 177-180 [Zbl 1197.53110]
Jeffrey, Lisa, Connectedness of level sets of the moment map for torus actions on the based loop group, 181-184 [Zbl 1197.53111]
Tu, Loring W., Computing characteristic numbers using fixed points, 185-206 [Zbl 1202.57025]
Hohnhold, Henning; Stolz, Stephan; Teichner, Peter, From minimal geodesics to supersymmetric field theories, 207-274 [Zbl 1202.19009]
Vafa, Cumrun, Raoul Bott as my math teacher, 277-278 [Zbl 1195.01087]
Lu, Steven, A physics colloquium at McGill that changed my life, 279 [Zbl 1195.01031]
Witten, Edward, Geometric Langlands from six dimensions, 281-310 [Zbl 1216.81129]
Block, Jonathan, Duality and equivalence of module categories in noncommutative geometry, 311-339 [Zbl 1201.58002]
Cavalcanti, Gil R.; Gualtieri, Marco, Generalized complex geometry and T-duality, 341-365 [Zbl 1200.53062]
Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Lurie, Jacob; Teleman, Constantin, Topological quantum field theories from compact Lie groups, 367-403 [Zbl 1232.57022]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
00B30 Festschriften
01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies
18-XX Category theory; homological algebra
19-XX \(K\)-theory
35-XX Partial differential equations
55-XX Algebraic topology
57-XX Manifolds and cell complexes
58-XX Global analysis, analysis on manifolds
81-XX Quantum theory

Biographic References:

Bott, Raoul