
Global Gorenstein dimensions of polynomial rings and of direct products of rings. (English) Zbl 1186.13007

Over any ring \(R\), E. E. Enochs and O. M. G. Jenda [Math. Z. 220, No. 4, 611–633 (1995; Zbl 0845.16005)] introduced the class of Gorenstein projective (left) \(R\)-modules. The Gorenstein projective dimension \(\text{Gpd}_RM\) of a (left) \(R\)-module \(M\) is the length of the shortest resolution of \(M\) consisting of Gorenstein projective (left) \(R\)-modules. The (left) Gorenstein global dimension of \(R\), denoted by \(\text{G-gldim}(R)\), is the supremum of \(\text{Gpd}_RM\), where \(M\) ranges over all (left) \(R\)-modules.
In this paper it is proved that \(\text{G-gldim}(R[X]) = \text{G-gldim}(R)+1\) if \(R\) is commutative. It is also proved that \(\text{G-gldim}(R\times S) = \max\{\text{G-gldim}(R),\text{G-gldim}(S)\}\) if \(R\) and \(S\) are commutative.
Similar results are obtained for the weak Gorenstein global dimension.


13D02 Syzygies, resolutions, complexes and commutative rings
13D05 Homological dimension and commutative rings
13D07 Homological functors on modules of commutative rings (Tor, Ext, etc.)


Zbl 0845.16005