Chen, Wen; Sun, Hongguang; Zhang, Xiaodi; Korošak, Dean Anomalous diffusion modeling by fractal and fractional derivatives. (English) Zbl 1189.35355 Comput. Math. Appl. 59, No. 5, 1754-1758 (2010). Summary: This paper makes an attempt to develop a fractal derivative model of anomalous diffusion. We also derive the fundamental solution of the fractal derivative equation for anomalous diffusion, which characterizes a clear power law. This new model is compared with the corresponding fractional derivative model in terms of computational efficiency, diffusion velocity, and heavy tail property. The merits and distinctions of these two models of anomalous diffusion are then summarized. Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 167 Documents MSC: 35R11 Fractional partial differential equations 26A33 Fractional derivatives and integrals 35A08 Fundamental solutions to PDEs Keywords:heavy tail; anomalous diffusion; fractal derivative; fractional derivative; power law × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Chen, W., A speculative study of 2/3-order fractional Laplacian modeling of turbulence: Some thoughts and conjectures, Chaos, 16, 023126 (2006) · Zbl 1146.37312 [2] Meerschaert, M. M.; Tadjeran, C., Finite difference approximations for fractional advection-dispersion flow equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 172, 65-77 (2004) · Zbl 1126.76346 [3] Greenenko, A. A.; Chechkin, A. V.; Shul’ga, N. F., Anomalous diffusion and Lévy flights in channelling, Physics Letters A, 324, 82-85 (2004) · Zbl 1123.82346 [4] Schulz, B. 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