
Convolutions related to the Fourier and Kontorovich-Lebedev transforms revisited. (English) Zbl 1191.44002

The paper is devoted to commutative convolutions of the form
\[ (f\ast g)(x)=\frac{1}{2\pi x}\int_{\mathbb R^2_+} f(\tau)g(\theta)(e^{-x\cosh(\tau-\theta)}\pm e^{-x\cosh(\tau+\theta)})\,d\tau \,d\theta,\quad x>0, \]
and to the noncommutative convolutions
\[ (f\ast g)(x)= \frac{1}{2}\int_{\mathbb R^2_+} f(\tau)g(\theta)(e^{-\theta\cosh(\tau-x)}\pm e^{-\theta\cosh(\tau+x)})\,d\tau \,d\theta,\quad x>0. \]
For these convolutions, mapping properties in the weighted \(L_p\)-spaces are obtained and factorization equalities are established. Applications to a solvability of the corresponding class of convolution integral equations are demonstrated.


44A35 Convolution as an integral transform
44A15 Special integral transforms (Legendre, Hilbert, etc.)
33C10 Bessel and Airy functions, cylinder functions, \({}_0F_1\)
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[4] DOI: 10.1142/9789812831064 · doi:10.1142/9789812831064
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