Priest, Graham Inclosures, vagueness, and self-reference. (English) Zbl 1198.03034 Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 51, No. 1, 69-84 (2010). The author shows that the sorites-type paradoxes can be subsumed under the inclosure schema, discussed, e.g., in his [Beyond the limits of thought. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press (1995; Zbl 0851.03001)], in a similar way as this is possible for the self-referential paradoxes of the liar type. Therefore these sorites-type paradoxes allow for a dialetheic solution, i.e.a solution in the context of paraconsistent logic. The basic ideas and the main technical details are clearly explained. Reviewer: Siegfried J. Gottwald (Leipzig) Cited in 12 Documents MSC: 03B53 Paraconsistent logics 03A05 Philosophical and critical aspects of logic and foundations 03A10 Logic in the philosophy of science 03B52 Fuzzy logic; logic of vagueness Keywords:sorites paradoxes; paradoxes of self-reference; inclosure schema; paraconsistency; vagueness Citations:Zbl 0851.03001 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI