
On Ricci H-pseudosymmetric H-hypersurfaces of some anti-Kähler manifolds. (English) Zbl 1199.53145

The notions of the pseudosymmetry and the Ricci pseudosymmetry are introduced in the paper of F. Defever, R. Deszcz, P. Dhooghe, L. Verstraelen and S. Yarpak [Result. Math. 27(3–4), 227–236 (1995; Zbl 0832.53015)]. These notions are here adapted to the case of anti-Kähler manifolds. In particular, many properties of the so called \(h\)-hypersurfaces of the anti-Kähler manifolds of the constant totally real sectional curvatures, are established.


53C56 Other complex differential geometry


Zbl 0832.53015