
Boundedness in topological spaces. (English) Zbl 1199.54030

A family \(\mathbb B\) of nonempty closed subsets of a space is said to be an (abstract) boundedness if it is closed for finite unions, closed hereditary and contains all singletons. (Compare [S. T. Hu, J. Math. Pures Appl., IX. Sér. 28, 287–320 (1949; Zbl 0041.31602)].)
In the third section of the paper, several theorems state the equivalence of covering properties of spaces defined in terms of selection principles \({\mathbf S}_1({\mathcal A},{\mathcal B})\), \({\mathbf S}_{fin}({\mathcal A},{\mathcal B})\), \({\mathbf U}_{fin}({\mathcal A},{\mathcal B})\), \(\alpha_i({\mathcal A},{\mathcal B})\), \(i=2,3,4,\) for \(\mathbb B\)-covers, \(\gamma\)-covers and \(\gamma_{\mathbb B}\)-covers, and their game-theoretical and Ramsey-theoretical equivalents.
In the last two sections, relations between some covering properties of a space \(X\) and countable (strong) fan tightness of the function space \(C_b(X)\), respectively, the corresponding covering properties of the hyperspace \(\mathbb B\) equipped with the upper Vietoris topology, are established.
The statements generalize the already known results for special classes of subsets (closed, finite, compact).


54A25 Cardinality properties (cardinal functions and inequalities, discrete subsets)
54C35 Function spaces in general topology
03E02 Partition relations
91A44 Games involving topology, set theory, or logic
54B20 Hyperspaces in general topology


Zbl 0041.31602