Chan, Kwun Chuen Gary; Wang, Mei-Cheng Backward estimation of stochastic processes with failure events as time origins. (English) Zbl 1202.62108 Ann. Appl. Stat. 4, No. 3, 1602-1620 (2010). Summary: Stochastic processes often exhibit sudden systematic changes in pattern a short time before certain failure events. Examples include increase in medical costs before death and decrease in CD4 counts before AIDS diagnosis. To study such terminal behavior of stochastic processes, a natural and direct way is to align the processes using failure events as time origins. This paper studies backward stochastic processes counting time backward from failure events, and proposes one-sample nonparametric estimation of the mean of backward processes when follow-up is subject to left truncation and right censoring. We will discuss benefits of including prevalent cohort data to enlarge the identifiable region and large sample properties of the proposed estimator with related extensions. A SEER-Medicare linked data set is used to illustrate the proposed methodologies. Cited in 14 Documents MSC: 62M09 Non-Markovian processes: estimation 62N02 Estimation in survival analysis and censored data 92C50 Medical applications (general) 62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis 62G05 Nonparametric estimation 62N01 Censored data models 65C60 Computational problems in statistics (MSC2010) Keywords:marked process; left truncation; prevalent cohort; recurrent event process; recurrent marker process; survival analysis × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv References: [1] Bang, H. and Tsiatis, A. A. (2000). Estimating medical costs with censored data. Biometrika 87 329-343. · Zbl 0963.62094 · doi:10.1093/biomet/87.2.329 [2] Bilias, Y., Gu, M. and Ying, Z. (1997). Towards a general asymptotic theory for Cox model with staggered entry. Ann. Statist. 25 662-682. · Zbl 0923.62085 · doi:10.1214/aos/1031833668 [3] Chan, I. S. 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