
The geometric Hopf invariant and double points. (English) Zbl 1205.55011

Summary: The geometric Hopf invariant of a stable map \(F\) is a stable \({\mathbb Z}/2\) -equivariant map \(h(F)\) such that the stable \({\mathbb Z}/2\) -equivariant homotopy class of \(h(F)\) is the primary obstruction to \(F\) being homotopic to an unstable map. In this paper, we express the geometric Hopf invariant of the Umkehr map \(F\) of an immersion \(f: M^m \looparrowright N^n\) in terms of the double point set of \(f\). We interpret the Smale-Hirsch-Haefliger regular homotopy classification of immersions \(f\) in the metastable dimension range \(3m < 2n - 1\) (when a generic \(f\) has no triple points) in terms of the geometric Hopf invariant.


55Q25 Hopf invariants
57R42 Immersions in differential topology


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