Grabisch, Michel; Marichal, Jean-Luc; Mesiar, Radko; Pap, Endre Aggregation functions: construction methods, conjunctive, disjunctive and mixed classes. (English) Zbl 1206.68299 Inf. Sci. 181, No. 1, 23-43 (2011). Summary: In this second part of our state-of-the-art overview of aggregation theory, based again on our recent monograph on aggregation functions, we focus on several construction methods for aggregation functions and on special classes of aggregation functions, covering the well-known conjunctive, disjunctive, and mixed aggregation functions. Some fields of applications are included. Cited in 69 Documents MSC: 68T37 Reasoning under uncertainty in the context of artificial intelligence 28E10 Fuzzy measure theory 94D05 Fuzzy sets and logic (in connection with information, communication, or circuits theory) Keywords:aggregation function; triangular norm; copula; uninorm; construction method for aggregation functions × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI HAL References: [1] Aczél, J., Lectures on Functional Equations and Their Applications, Mathematics in Science and Engineering, vol. 19 (1966), Academic Press: Academic Press New York, (Translated by Scripta Technica, Inc., supplemented by the author, edited by Hansjorg Oser) · Zbl 0139.09301 [2] Aczél, J.; Alsina, C., Characterizations of some classes of quasilinear functions with applications to triangular norms and to synthesizing judgments, Methods Oper. Res., 48, 3-22 (1984) · Zbl 0527.39002 [3] Alsina, C.; Frank, M. 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