
Remarks on polynomial parametrization of sets of integer points. (English) Zbl 1209.11038

Summary: If, for a subset \(S\) of \(\mathbb Z^{k}\), we compare the conditions of being parametrizable by (a) a single \(k\)-tuple of polynomials with integer coefficients, (b) a single \(k\)-tuple of integer-valued polynomials, and (c) finitely many \(k\)-tuples of polynomials with integer coefficients (variables ranging through the integers in each case), then a \(\Rightarrow \) b (obviously), b \(\Rightarrow\) c, and neither implication is reversible. Condition (b) is equivalent to \(S\) being the set of integer \(k\)-tuples in the range of a \(k\)-tuple of polynomials with rational coefficients, as the variables range through the integers. Also, we show that every co-finite subset of \(\mathbb Z^{k}\) is parametrizable a single \(k\)-tuple of polynomials with integer coefficients.


11D85 Representation problems
11C08 Polynomials in number theory
13F20 Polynomial rings and ideals; rings of integer-valued polynomials


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